Achiote Paste

Achiote paste, pronounced ah-chee-OH-tay, is a vibrant, brick-red color seasoning made from the seeds of the annatto tree. It combines annatto seeds with spices like cumin, pepper, coriander, oregano, and a splash of vinegar or lime juice to form a paste.

This condiment is essential in Mexican and Central American cooking for its ability to give a deep color and earthy flavor to recipes.


Location : Condiment Aisle

Recipes Using - Achiote Paste  

Active Dry Yeast

Active dry yeast is the go-to choice for most recipes that require yeast, thanks to its convenience and reliability.

Unlike fresh yeast, which was commonly used by our grandparents, active dry yeast requires no refrigeration and can be stored at room temperature for extended periods.


Location : Baking Supplies Aisle

Recipes Using - Active Dry Yeast  

Ahi Tuna

Ahi Tuna - pronounced 'AH-hee TOO-nah' is a yellowfin and bigeye tuna species. They're known for their rich, pink flesh and firm texture.

Popular in both raw and cooked dishes, Ahi Tuna is the preferred fish for sushi and sashimi in Japanese cuisine. It's also popular seared or grilled in Western cuisine. Its distinct flavor and luxurious texture make it a favored choice for high-end seafood dishes.


Location : Seafood

Recipes Using - Ahi Tuna  

All-purpose Flour

All-purpose flour, pronounced 'awl-PUR-puhs flour' is a staple in baking and cooking. It's a flexible ingredient made from wheat that has been milled to remove the bran and germ, leaving behind the endosperm that's ground into flour.


Location : Baking Supplies Aisle

Recipes Using - All-purpose Flour  

Allspice Berries

These small, dark, reddish-brown berries resemble a combination of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Use whole in marinades, pot roasting meats and poultry, fish dishes, pickles, and chutneys.


Location : Spice Aisle

Recipes Using - Allspice Berries  


Almonds, resembling small green peaches on trees, have a unique growth process. Unlike most nuts, they don't fall to the ground when mature. Instead, their hulls split open, allowing the shells and kernels to dry while still attached to the tree.


Location : Nuts And Seeds Aisle

Recipes Using - Almonds  


Ammonia pronounced 'uh-MOH-nee-uh' is a compound with various uses, but it's important to distinguish between its uses in household cleaning and in cooking, as they are quite different.


Location : Cleaning Supplies

Recipes Using - Ammonia  

Anise Hyssop

Anise hyssop is a delightful edible flower with lilac-colored blossoms. It has a strong anise-licorice taste, reminiscent of root beer. Sweet and tasty, it's perfect for salads, pastries, butter cookies, and garnishes.


Location : Herb Section

Recipes Using - Anise Hyssop  

Annatto Seeds

Annatto seeds, from the Annatto Tree, are a vivid orange-yellow color often used to naturally dye food. They have a peppery aroma and nutty-sweet flavor. They're ground into powder for coloring butter and more. But beware, they leave behind a red-orange stain when handled.


Location : Nuts And Seeds Aisle

Recipes Using - Annatto Seeds  


Apple - pronounced 'AP-uhl is a fruit from the apple tree, part of the rose family. It's known for its round shape and varying sizes and colors, from green and yellow to deep red.

Apples are crisp and can range from sweet to tart in flavor. Widely eaten fresh, they are also used in beverages, cooking and baking.


Location : Fruit Section

Recipes Using - Apples  

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Tips and Hacks

Forget the old wives' tale of throwing pasta against the wall to see if it's cooked. Not only does this make your kitchen walls difficult to clean, but it's also not the most reliable method to test pasta's doneness. There's a better way to make sure your pasta is perfectly cooked.
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