
Water, the essence of life, is a transparent, tasteless, and odorless liquid that covers about 71% of the Earth's surface. Its neutral flavor allows other ingredients to shine while enhancing the overall texture and consistency of dishes.

It serves as the primary medium for boiling, steaming, and hydration. Its neutral flavor allows other ingredients to shine while enhancing the overall texture and consistency of dishes.


Location : Beverage Aisle

Recipes Using - Water  

Whipping Cream

Whipping cream - pronounced 'WHIP-ing kreem' is a dairy product that comes from the high-fat part of fresh milk. When fresh milk sits, the fat rises to the top and can be skimmed off.

This fat layer is then processed into cream, and when it contains enough fat (usually around 30% to 36%), it can be whipped into a light, fluffy texture.


Location : Dairy Aisle

Recipes Using - Whipping Cream  

Worcestershire Sauce

Worcestershire sauce - pronounced 'WUSS-ter-sheer' sauce is a fermented condiment. It's made from a complex mixture of ingredients, including vinegar, molasses, sugar, salt, anchovies, tamarind extract, onions, garlic, and various spices.

It's known for its unique, savory flavor, which is both tangy and slightly sweet, and is used to enhance the flavor of a wide range of dishes, from meats and soups to cocktails like the Bloody Mary.


Location : Condiment Aisle

Recipes Using - Worcestershire Sauce  

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Tips and Hacks

Don't let your coffee beans lose their aroma. Keep them fresh by storing them in an airtight container. This blocks moisture and air, which can degrade the beans and diminish their rich flavor. With this hack, every cup of coffee you brew will taste freshly roasted.
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