Tips and Hacks

Don't throw away those apple cores. They can be repurposed to create a delightful apple-infused water. Just slice up a few apples, cores included, and add them to a pitcher of ice water, in no time at all, you'll have a refreshing, flavorful drink to enjoy.
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3 All-purpose Flour Suggestions

Submitted by Bethleh A.
Published On: April 25th, 2024

Also known as Dabo Kolo in Ethiopian cuisine. They will look like flat peanuts, and are served as a snack or with cocktails, and like peanuts, once you start eating them you can't stop.

Featured Offering
Annatto Water

Recipe of: Mexico

Filed Under: Seeds

Prep Method: Mix

Base: Annatto Seeds

Made with: 2 Ingredients

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