Hawaiian Salt

Hawaiian salt - pronounced 'huh-WAI-uhn sawlt' is an unrefined sea salt traditionally harvested in the Hawaiian islands. It's known for its distinctive color, ranging from pink to deep red, and its slightly coarse texture.

The color comes from the natural volcanic clay called ‘alaea’ mixed with the salt, which also adds a subtle earthy flavor.

Hawaiian salt is used both as a cooking and finishing salt, enhancing dishes with its rich, mineral taste. In a pinch, you can use Himalayan Pink Salt, it is similar in color and mineral content, this salt can provide a comparable appearance and flavor enhancement. Sea Salt, while lacking the unique color, sea salt has a similar coarse texture and can be used in the same quantities. You can also use Smoked Salt to mimic the earthy flavor of Hawaiian salt.

Hawaiian salt, like most sea salts, contains trace amounts of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and iron. These minerals contribute to the salt’s nutritional value, offering benefits like electrolyte balance and improved circulation. The presence of alaea clay also adds a small amount of iron oxide to the salt, which can help as an iron iron supplement.

Keep Hawaiian salt in a dry, airtight container to prevent clumping from moisture exposure. Use it sparingly due to its bold flavor. It’s particularly effective as a rub for meats or as a decorative finishing touch on salads and seafood. Mix Hawaiian salt with herbs like rosemary or thyme to create custom seasoning blends for grilling and roasting.

In summary, Hawaiian salt is a gourmet sea salt that offers more than just seasoning; it brings a piece of Hawaiian tradition and unique mineral benefits to dishes. Its distinctive color and flavor make it a favorite for cooking enthusiasts looking to add both taste and eye appeal to their meals.

Hawaiian salt has an indefinite shelf life when stored properly, thanks to its mineral content and lack of moisture.

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For the best volume and texture in whipped cream, make sure the whipping cream is well chilled before you start. You can also chill the bowl and beaters for even better results. This simple hack raises the cream's ability to whip up nicely and hold its shape, making your desserts look and taste divine.
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