Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is a type of sweetener made from white sugar mixed with molasses. It has a rich flavor and moist texture, perfect for baking cookies, cakes, and sweet sauces.

It adds depth and caramel notes to recipes.

It's the parent of granulated sugar, evolving with added molasses for a distinctive taste. Brown sugar is like the cool kid at the baking party. It's not just sweet; it's got attitude and flavor. When you add brown sugar to your recipes, you're not just adding sweetness; you're adding a whole new level of deliciousness.

Next time you're in the kitchen, grab a handful of brown sugar and let your creativity run wild. Whether you're making cookies, cakes, or even savory dishes like glazed ham, brown sugar is the key to unlocking delicious flavors.

Did you know that brown sugar is basically white sugar's rebellious child? It's like white sugar decided to dye its hair and get a tattoo, and the result is a sweet, caramel-flavored rebel that's perfect for all your baking adventures.

Store brown sugar in an airtight container to prevent it from hardening. You can also keep a piece of bread or a slice of apple in the container to help maintain moisture. Store in a cool, dry place away from heat and sunlight.

Brown sugar contains slightly more minerals than white sugar due to the molasses content, including small amounts of calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium. However, it's still high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.

Brown sugar is the secret ingredient that turns ordinary desserts into extraordinary treats. Properly stored, brown sugar can last indefinitely, but it may harden over time. If it hardens, you can soften it by placing a damp paper towel in the container and letting it sit for a few hours.

Location: Baking Supplies Aisle 8 Recipes On File

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Recipe of: Canada

Filed Under: Bakery

Prep Method: Bake

Base: Currants

Made with: 9 Ingredients

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