
As muskrat is mainly herbivorous, its flesh is sweet and palatable, similar to rabbit, although darker, and is fine grained. It can be delicious roasted, broiled, braised or stewed.

They should be skinned and cleaned as soon as possible, then washed in warm salted water. Be sure to remove all the musk glands from inside the legs as well as the white tissue skin and all the fat.

Soak the meat in a weak brine for 2 to 3 hours to draw out the blood before cooking. Try them dredged in seasoned flour and open fried with sliced onions, battered and deep fried, or ground into a meat loaf.

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Tips and Hacks

Elevate your grilling game by adding a smoky hickory flavor to your barbecue. Before you start grilling, soak a handful of hickory chips in water for about an hour. Then, sprinkle them onto your barbecue coals. Infuse your meats and veggies with a rich, smoky flavor.
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Recipe of: German

Filed Under: Bakery

Prep Method: Bake

Base: Sugar

Made with: 10 Ingredients

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