Preparation Time - 10 Minutes
Preparation Method - Mix

Recipes that Compliment:

Wonton Wrappers

/ 484
Andrew C. | April 24th, 2024

Ingredients are for 1 Portion
Scale It
Qty Unit Ingredient
2 cups Flour
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 large Egg
1/2 cup Water
Prep Time Process Time Overall Time
10 Minutes 15 Minutes 25 minutes

1. Sift flour and salt together.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and water together.

3. Blend the egg mixture thoroughly with flour and salt; knead until dough is smooth.

4. Turn out onto a cutting board that is well dusted with flour.

5. Roll dough on floured board until paper thin.

6. Cut into 6 inch squares.

7. For egg rolls, this makes about 18 - 6 inch square wrappings.

8. For won ton wrappings, cut each 6 inch square into four pieces.

9. If wrappings are not to be used immediately, you can stacked them together, but each piece should be well floured.

10. Wrap stack in aluminum foil, and place in the refrigerator. They will keep for about a week.

11. If skins become too hard and dry, place a dampened dish cloth around them to moisten.

Submitted by Andrew C. | April 24th, 2024 See all of Andrew C.'s Recipes.

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